The First Time Bono Sang to My Friend
“You let me into a conversation
A conversation only we could make”
Song for Someone
Several years ago my friend Searan called and asked if I would go with her to see U2 in Hanover, Germany on the date of her 30th birthday. When learning of this once in a lifetime invite, you would think I’d respond with a “Yes! Of Course! I Can’t Wait!” However, this was not the case.
By way of background, Searan and I met during graduate school and became fast friends over our shared love of important things - like coffee, Volkswagens, college sports and U2. Prior to this birthday invite, we had seen U2 in concert together two times and had numerous in depth conversations about U2’s lyrics, albums, concerts and Bono’s perspective on the world.
At the time when Searan called, my life was focused on an all-consuming career and leaving for a frivolous trip to attend a U2 concert didn’t seem to be a wise decision. In addition, my finances were not in the best shape. So each time I talked to Searan, I was a quagmire of emotion and could never bring myself to tell her I couldn’t go. So eventually I found myself in a state of conflicted emotions, packing for what would eventually become one of my most legendary travel experiences.
So here is what happened…
Searan and I started our concert going experience by getting in line at the crack of dawn. Our goal was to capture a space on the rail (front row - no one in front of us) and we weighed whether or not we should camp out the night before. Eventually we chose (wisely) to get some sleep and when we arrived in the morning, were assigned #155 and #156 in line. Not the best but definitely not bad!
We spent the day making fast friends with other U2 fans from around the world. This particular concert we met a handful of humorous Russians, a super well-read Czech student, a few Irish fans who made the line a party and of course several Germans who were tremendous hosts. Everyone was excited about celebrating Searan and thought her birthday wish was brilliant!
While we were waiting in line a local news crew interviewed Searan. She explained her orange sign (which you can see in the picture) that said “Wish me a Happy 30th Birthday! Love from the USA.” You can see by the look on the dapper camera guy’s face, they really weren’t quite sure what to make of this birthday celebration.
When the gates finally opened - our strategy commenced. Searan, a former D1 collegiate track athlete, RAN! and I followed with our bags, doing all I could to keep her in sight. Searan’s birthday wish came true as we got a space on the rail. As the concert began - the thrill of living a dear friend’s dream provided such a rush. We took pictures of Bono (without any zoom) and sang loudly while jumping up and down. Every so often Searan would hold up her 30th birthday sign for Bono to see (but don’t worry! She was super cautious to make sure it wouldn’t block anyone’s view).
Then “it” happened. As U2 started to play “In A Little While” Bono looked down at Searan and blew her a kiss. I was in disbelief! Looking around wondering if what I thought I saw really happened - everyone was freaking out and high-fiving Searan!
Then… “it” happened again! During an interlude Bono pointed, winked and sang “and it’s her 30th birthday.” I was in shock.
All I could do was hug Searan and say - “Happy Birthday!”
And to think . . . I almost missed out on this experience because of a desire for upward career mobility!
So let’s be honest here.
U2’s music is the soundtrack to my life. I think the speech Bono gave at the national prayer breakfast in 2006 should be required reading for all people who call themselves a follower of Christ (Click here to read about it and click here to view). I also believe Bono is the only celebrity who should receive a Nobel Peace Prize.
However, it is also true that Bono is simply a guy named Paul Hewson, who formed a band with his buddies and has tried to make a difference in the world with his music. Were Searan and I a bit overboard in our fan-girling? Now that we are in our 30’s should we start acting our age? Would it be more responsible to prioritize my career over concerts and put travel money into retirement instead?
These were all questions going through my mind as we tried to go to sleep after having such an adrenaline rush.
The following day as we were recovering from the day before by walking around Hanover, we stumbled upon a lovely scene of colorful chairs against a beautiful backdrop. It looked to be a perfect place for two friends to sit, read, share a cup of coffee and talk for awhile. Searan snapped a picture and it now hangs on a wall in our home. (You can also check out Searan’s other photographs by visiting her Etsy store. It’s amazing - Click Here!).
This picture of chairs represents so much of our friendship for me. It was during grad school that Searan and I began sitting next to each other: studying in the library, driving in a car, watching a movie, drinking coffee or eating dinner. While sitting next to Searan I could find myself smiling, laughing, thinking and crying all in one conversation. Time spent with Searan regardless of where we were and what we were doing was colorful, vibrant and full of life.
These times of sitting together were what eventually made it impossible to say no when she asked me to spend her 30th birthday at a U2 concert. Yet it was standing next to Searan, front row, watching U2 perform that I realized John Hewson was also one of lucky ones at the concert … because at a random show in Hanover, Germany, along with the entire front row, he got to participate in a legendary birthday celebration of a tremendous friend.
I learned that attending a U2 concert where Bono sang to someone I know may not be worth financial and career sacrifice. However, when that someone is a dear friend who values the simple times of togetherness - the amazing, incredible, dream-come-true experiences become all the more priceless.
So as we Read Far & Wide together - let’s dream big travel dreams and discover ways to make them happen. However, let’s also remember that travel dreams become all the more vibrant, colorful and life-giving when they are set among a backdrop of friendships rooted in the simplicity of sitting in chairs, next to one another, deep in conversation about things that make us smile, laugh, cry and think!
You may note the title of this blog, specifies this is the first time Bono sang to Searan. Stay tuned for future “Adventures with Searan” blog posts to learn of the next time Bono sings to her - as well as a handful of other U2 concert-going memories. The number of posts is yet to be determined, because hopefully we have a few more U2 concerts to attend this side of heaven!