Below is a collection of organizations which seek to provide support to victims of spiritual abuse.
Each provides a unique voice to the process of healing. Please feel free to browse and find resources that can speak to your situation.
(Logos are used for aesthetic purposes not to communicate their endorsement of our work)
Baylor University's Diana R. Garland School of Social Work
"The Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse Advocacy and Research Collaborative is committed to shedding light on this pervasive and serious issue and fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and survivor-centered care within faith communities. By combining advocacy, support services, and pioneering research, we strive to create lasting change and ensure the sanctity of the clergy-congregant relationship."
"Representing survivors of sexual abuse throughout the United States"
"BROKEN TO BELOVED exists to help victims and survivors of spiritual abuse, religious trauma, and church harm and to offer practical pathways toward healing and wholeness by providing resources for recovery. We also work to raise awareness and create safeguarding measures for pastors, leaders, and churches who want to build healthy, trauma-informed environments."
"The Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma (CCWT) is a resource for child-serving organizations in Massachusetts, delivering information, tools, and training to help organizations become more trauma-informed and responsive (TIR). The CCWT is a division of the Office of the Child Advocate, an independent state agency with oversight and ombuds functions over state agencies that serve children."
"Empowering Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse."
Johns Hopkins's Bloomberg School of Public Health
"The Moore Center for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse’s mission is to prevent child sexual abuse through targeted endeavors in five key areas: research, education, communications, advocacy, and policy. To effect change, we collaborate with a broad coalition of stakeholders, including survivors of child sexual abuse and their advocates and allies, help seekers and others with relevant lived experience, policy makers, practitioners, funders, and law enforcement. We support efforts to ensure not only the prevention of child sexual abuse, but also the healing of survivors, treatment for those who have caused harm, and efforts to ensure justice for all. We recognize the right of all children to grow up free from abuse."
"Our mission is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States."
"SurvivorSpace is a new technology-based resource informed by survivors, for survivors. It offers a safe space where adult survivors of child sexual abuse and those who care about them can learn from other survivors; find information on new rights under the law; focus on self-care and resiliency; read survivor stories; explore civil litigation; access national resources and institutional programs; and connect with others to learn about and discuss a wide range of topics."
"Zero Abuse Project is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse."